Medical IT solutions for healthcare professionals
In just a few years, IT equipment for health care institutions has become a must-have. Many healthcare establishments have taken the plunge and have computerised various departments (software, screens, computerised trolleys, PC panels, etc.).
In concrete terms, IT equipment has become essential for the smooth running of a department. Recent computer equipment with certified business software covers almost all the needs of a department. It is also easier and faster to transfer information between different departments, and even between health establishments.
Fully aware of the stakes, Mdose has developed a range of trolleys, fixtures and panel PCs that meet the different needs of health care institutions in terms of resistant, ergonomic and easy to clean equipment.
Medical computer trolleys
Mdose by Hyppomed's computerised trolleys offer new possibilities for healthcare staff, by providing better monitoring of patient files or the admission of care provided to patients.
In addition, information is available in real time, minimising the risk of errors.
Medical keyboards and mice
Infection control is essential in hospitals. It is essential that the equipment used by carers is ergonomic, durable and easy to clean to limit the risk of infection.
The medical fixation supports are designed to offer users optimal comfort of use. Our solutions are designed and manufactured to be ergonomic and practical. Each bracket can be adjusted to meet the specific needs of each user.
Panel PCs
Medical panel PCs are full-fledged PCs with the difference that they come in the form of a touch screen depending on the model.
Each medical panel PC is designed to meet the specific requirements of hospitals in terms of hygiene and safety: resistance to cleaning, use on medical trolleys (shocks and vibrations), electrical standards, etc.
For more information on our different ranges, contact us.